Hoi4 convoy escort fleet. I created a fleet with a single task force of destroyers to do convoy escort missions in the Mediterranean sea zones. Hoi4 convoy escort fleet

 I created a fleet with a single task force of destroyers to do convoy escort missions in the Mediterranean sea zonesHoi4 convoy escort fleet  Mar 10, 2020 2 0

ALL FLEETS SHOULD BE SET TO REPAIR PRIORITY HIGH, REINFORCE, AND BREAK OFF TO. The crew will not gain experience once they. You need to disrupt enemy trade, supply, and invasions. Convoy Escort: Escort a convoy and protect it from enemy ships. About navy: build only destroyer 1 with depth charges and use them for convoy escort (5 destroyers per fleet). Make no other non-submarine related doctrine research until after you get your ass handed over by the japanese. This protection is extended to all of the fleet's assigned regions, although the number of regions that can be efficiently protected depends upon the number and size of task forces performing the mission within a. Split off 100 screens, split 3 times, split the two largest units again, assign a spotter admiral. - Each naval region has a certain amount of superiority depending on the strength of each fleet. Use naval bombers. You just use 4 screens to stay above this ratio. Dismissing 20 notifications in a month saying you’ve destroyed between 1-12 convoys is based. However, convoy escorts will still be able to fight against submarines once combat is initiated, even if subs are not normally detectable by enemy taskforces on the map. Hi there, So I recently played a historical game as the US, I fought the Japenese, lend leased Britain alot. Archived post. Regardless everytime i tried it,, a big UK fleet obliterates my navies. It's not just submarine 3s but you need sub 3 tech to make it happen. 1 update. For organisation and control, the navy is divided into one or more fleets. I would use these strictly for Convoy Escort, as I have found that this mission is a great way to catch the enemy fleet at opportune moments and avoid unfavorable engagements, while also enabling troop transport. Edit: it may take time but I destroyed the whole Japanese navy doing this as France. A task force assigned to the convoy escort mission will protect convoys belonging to the player or their allies if they are attacked. Now just wait for a series of decisive battles which you should have success in. As U. Do not activate navy until sea lion is ready to go since the ENG navy will be ready to murder your fleet. Today’s diary entry covers our improvements to submarine convoy raiding. You don't need air support you don't need bigger navy. Also invade Denmark. Note its 6:1 screens-to-capital,. This will assign reserve ships to a new fleet and you can add an admiral from there. A fleet in convoy escort duty tries to get into these fights to defend the convoys. In the fleet have one CA per 3-4 basic destroyers and one torpedo destroyer. best way to convoy escort is Light cruisers and destroyers. If you really must, then the HK fleet task forces look like: 1xCL3 - 1xCL3 - 1xCL3 - 7xDD3 - 7xDD3 The CL3s have 4x FPC2 and the best sonar and radar, their task forces are set on DNE and Patrol. ago. trim this fleet to just 60 destroyers, so you can run convoy escort anywhere you need to. Keep them out of shallow water and away from enemy bombers, both of which murder subs. I'm about to engage the Japanese with two of those fleets and a big old BB fleet in the pacific. nice 3 year necro, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. 5-10 (AA-based) CL. In the meantime, use naval bombers to grind down the UK fleet in the Channel and West of Denmark. . For example, a depth charge rack and sonar lets them hunt subs and a seaplane adds detection for both subs and surface vessels. Spotter planes on Cruisers only help in the detection phase. The game kept showing "This convoy will arrive in the next region. This video serves as guide to the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort missions. As sterrius mentioned. Fleet composition - subs are the easiest. Without this change Italy cannot escort it's convoys To trash the escorts with BB you would need a patrol fleet to start a normal battle as opposed to a convoy battle. make winning the air war very easy and cause permanent damage to the UK’s fleet. Best. Sort by: Best. Also, only your CL can combat those submarines and cannot detected them that well, better to use destroyers as escorts/ search and destroy sub killers. Mining can also help. I always build a lot of docks and then modernise the entire fleet in the most practical way by avoiding high cost changes like engines and main batteries. Anyone else think you should have an option to disable naval convoy travel for divisions? So after conquering the British Raj I quickly created a fallback line along to coast line for my troops to guard the coast around 50 divisions. I've seen a battlegroup of just 2 Carriers with screens completely annihilate 15 convoys in one go. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Target cost is in the 10-12k range. This is the most powerful. May 13, 2018 @ 8:35pm Originally posted by. . It is OP against nations like Japan or the UK. The finisher tech "Sea Lane Defence", on the other hand, affects the "Escort Convoy" mission that you can give to fleets, which is pretty much useless--don't research that tech. Then wait for naval supremacy in those regions and for the planning stage to be. You can do this by: Clicking create a. I think putting a few light cruiser with radar and scout planes into the convoy escort fleets would work well enough instead of putting radar on destroyers, though I haven't really played enough against strong sub-fleets to evaluate it. Mining can also help. Convoy raiding can also be exploited to murder the hell out of the enemy fleets. The Helena is the. Reply. Destroyer Escorts. This video serves as guide to the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort missions. You want 6-8 per task force, with a ton of task forces. Sometimes a separate fleet for Invasion Support and/or Mine Warfare. Hope this helps!Wait untill plan is ready. When you, or the AI, set to raid convoys they send ships to a specific sea node. You can make one huge task fleet of escorts across every zone you want trade to go through. Extremly costly for medium gain, but if you have the oil, it works quite nice. like convoy raiding/convoy escort. Convoy raiders should be small groups. Sep 12, 2009 1. Once the amphibious invasion is started, then the ships will leave port and travel with the troops. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. However, submarines are effective against battleships and carriers, so I'd use them to destroy the royal navy in preparation for full landing forces. I fleet. (Middle, Middle, Left) There is also no point because convoy raiding around the Cape of Africa is really strong. KalenNC. 9. All this done with only 2 BBs. I was playing 1936 Italy. ' Convoy Warfare: this spirit is available if you have the Trade Interdiction naval doctrine. Escort groups were a World War II tactical innovation in anti-submarine warfare by the Royal Navy to combat the threat of the Kriegsmarine ' s "wolfpack" tactics. BB/SHBBs with 5 escorts per each cap. How effective enemy escorts are depend on how high their escort efficiency is, the higher, the quicker the escorts will come to aid the convoy. This doesnt make sense. This configuration would be useful if we use destroyers adapted with sonar to hunt submarines only, avoiding large squadrons. Just add as many torpedoes as you can and organise them in groups of ten or five. Not sure how hoi4 will. ago. Note I didn't really mention killing subs. However, in reality CVEs and Spotter planes offered both some detection and some kill capability (unfortunately you cannot give your CVE aircraft manual orders while they are on a Convoy Escort mission, or any other mission). k. Compare this to typical HOI4 deathstacked naval battles, where you see 20+ Battleships and scores of heavy cruisers per side able to find and shoot at each other in an orderly fashion! From my testing with rules-enforced fleet limits, you can still have massive naval clashes when limiting both sides to 12 capital ships and a few dozen screens. Just target as many sea zones you can the route is in. This is done through the convoy escort and convoy raiding missions. In this I explain both the Convoy Raiding and Convoy Escort. Range of the ships is not a factor. Each doctrine has a convoy defence doctrine path. The convoys had the order to keep going, but they stayed in the region where the battle took place. ago. Strike the enemy fleet (This is your big capital fleet filled with BB's, carriers, heavy/light cruisers and DD's) Spot enemy ships for your strike fleet (The 5 DD size task forces) Convoy raid the enemy (10 submarine size task forces) Your. The USN Sub. In this short tutorial esque guide I will show how the current best way to counter the Axis sub spam, as the Allies (specifically the United Kingdom). You will require a repair haven and some sort of sub scouting to detect incoming fleets so you can move off the convoy route till the strike fleet goes back home. Use the fleet designer providing sub detection and speed. 2) The best raider fleet is level III or IV subs with radar because they hide and find things easy enough. Again, before the meta changed in the game, most players would usually choose “Base Strike“. ago. Time that the enemy has to naval bomb you. The +% sub visibility can spell the end of a sub task force. At the start of the game, each country will have a. 3 torpedo tube tier 3s are necessary to get more than 60 torpedo attack. And the targeting is spread so if you have too few raiders, the convoy can run away with few casualties!To minimise convoy losses, it is important for a fleet performing convoy escort to achieve 100% escort efficiency. Later on if you get into a war you should split off at least one strike force and smaller convoy escort and patrol task forces. Naval Invasion Support: Send the task force to escort troop. This way they will wreck convoys as long as they don't have any immediate escorts with them, but as soon as surface fleet arrives, the bail. This is the basic concept of a "Fleet in Being" where you can control multiple regions by the threat of your large fleets in ports. Deviant113 • 6 yr. Small groups of destroyers with the smallest gun, best sonar and best depth charges on Convoy Escort. Any decent player or AI will always have a cruiser/destroyer screen to protect the cv/bb. An optimal escort fleet is a lot of cheap interwar DDs with gun1, sonar1 and depth_charge1. Each fleet consists of one or more task forces, with each task force containing a number of individual ships . the best way to get an passable Surface-Navy. Yea it says the current fleet can escort up to 101 convoys, but that should give me a 25% efficiency with 400 convoys, not 9%. while a strike force or patrol might decide not to start an engagement in the first place based on strength comparison, a raider will always initiate battle against spotted convoys -- except on Do Not Engage. ; About Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki; Mobile view Playing as Canada and trying to serve their historical escort role. Grand Fleet: this spirit is available if you have the Fleet in Being naval doctrine. all of my trade was, of course, null, and i had no way of correcting it. 4. Typically performed by Destroyers. Escort group. In real life, the German heavy surface raiders worked extremely well for tying up lots of Allied ships escorting convoys off the coast of Norway: leaving them unavailable for use elsewhere. Put fleet to patrol the invasion area wait a few hours. CVLs in particular saw a fair bit of action in the HoI4 sense. I sent 3 of them to the Western Approaches and. Jays298 Lt. Help! I'm playing as Britain going for world domination. Everything around Singapore and then a big circle all the way up to Russia at the edge of their range. Otherwise you are only concerned with convoy escort efficiency. Minelaying efficiency Affects overall efficiency of naval minelaying performed by fleets. Convoy efficiency is based upon your escort coverage and how many convoys make the route. Fleet in being can get the most escort efficiency with base strike as second. , sea zones that touch each other. You will need 3 types of task forces 1: subs. Go for it. The AI simply can’t compete. 5 per yard) x (QTY of naval yards dedicated) / (cost of design) = production cost in days. This guide will explain naval mechanics and basic strategy from the vie. variants) that can be produced by dockyards. BB/SHBBs with 5 escorts per each cap. Reply. In this sense all engagement rules except Do Not Engage are the same for raiders and escorts. This is effective because they are quite cheap. I thought it was vanilla, but maybe its not. Even the German Navy is often good enough to do that. That might be worth noting for variant production. You want to keep them at least smaller than twice your enemy's convoy escort fleet size. For naval, complete Fleet in being, Convoy Sailing and Escort and Battlefleet Concentration. R5: As the title says i cannot engage that french fleet. Yeah, naval AI is the most bonkers of all, but on the other hand it's probably the most difficult one to program as to not be exploitable. Playing as Major; Escorts, cover the coastal regions. So! (2. r/hoi4. A. For the task forces I put all my subs on convoy raiding, all my small ships on patrol, and all my capital ships on strike force. . Kaijo Goei Sotai is for Convoy Escorts(the Japanese were not to keen on defending their covoys until later in the war) Kirai Fusetsu-ka is for Minelayers Taiheiyo Kantai is for Convoy Raiding Bonus, the shipsclasses I build for this: Ship designer: Kure Naval Arsenal 1936 SS: Kaidai VI Class 1936 DD: Kagero Class(Torpedo Destroyer)Submarines make very very poor convey escorts since they are slowing your fleet down considerably and can not respond to the SOS call of your convoy fleet in time. The big ships in Strike Forces remain in port until a fleet it detected, then they charge out to engage it. I do sub convoy raid fleets of 20 and convoy escorts of 3 CL and 9 DD, but the big battle fleets elude me. Reply. And Jesus Christ, I did not know how good carriers were at convoy raiding. I get the message as well, and I get it while playing USA with one 1 of 2 groups in the eastern seacoast adjacent regions (Newfoundland Sea, Eastern Seaboard, Florida Coast) on a convoy escort mission. r/hoi4. Most of the leaders like the theorists, the political ministers, etc. 6. The UK has one of the best convoy defense navies in the game. Navy is all about attacking and defending convoys. Yes, the patrol TFs need to be in the same fleet as the strike force you want them to spot for. Currently I have a fleet of just over 200 ships on convoy escort in the seas that the transports pass through and the Japanese only have a fleet of around 18 patroling those areas. I lost six verterán units in a naval battle because my escort fleet just sat there and watched them get blown out of the water!1.